Saturday 29 August 2015

#Tip for #Storing #Ginger #Longer

If you have excess of ginger, to preserve it for a long time burry the ginger in your kitchen garden and retrieve the very fresh quantity as an when required. You can keep ginger fresh for 6 to 7 months this way. 

Friday 7 August 2015

#Food #Medicine - #Almonds

Natural Benefits and Curative Properties 

Paste of almonds with milk cream and fresh rose bud's paste applied daily over the face is a  very effective beauty aid. It softens and bleaches the skin and nourishes it with the choicest skin-food. Its regular application prevents early appearance of wrinkles, black heads, dryness of the skin, pimples and keeps the face fresh.

A teaspoonful of almond oil mixed with a teaspoonful of amla juice, massaged over scalp, is a valuable remedy for falling hair, thinness of hair, dandruff and premature greying of hair.

Almonds should be consumed properly for beneficial results. The skin of almonds should always be removed before use as it contains irritating properties. This can be done by soaking them in water for one or two hours. Almonds should be thoroughly chewed and they should not be eaten immediately after meals. They are a very concentrated food, with high calorific value. They should, therefore, be mostly used with bulky vegetables and fruits like raw turnips, lettuce, cucumbers and apple.


Almonds contain copper in organic form at the rate of 1.15 mg. per 100 grams. The copper along with iron and vitamins, acts as a catalyst  -in the synthesis of blood haemoglobin. Almonds are, therefore, a useful food remedy for anaemia.


The use of almonds has proved highly beneficial in the treatment of chronic constipation. It is an excellent laxative. 11 to 15 kernels taken at bed time will facilitate a clear motion the next morning. Those who stiffer from weak stomach can take seven grams of almond oil with hot milk.


Almonds are very useful in case of loss of sexual energy which usually results from nervous debility and brain weakness. Their regular use will strengthen sexual power. Chewing of equal quantity of almond kernels and roasted gram also help in restoring sexual vigor.

Skin Disorders 

Wild almonds are considered useful in skin diseases, especially eczema. For this purpose, a few leaves of the wild almond are pulverized with water and the cream so prepared is applied to the affected parts. Almonds are also beneficial in the treatment of pimples. In  this condition, the endocarp which is hard cover of the seed, should be ground with water and applied over the affected parts. In case of inflammatory condition of the skin, the external application of almond oil will case the pain and cool the heat.

Respiratory Diseases 

An emulsion of almonds is useful in bronchial diseases, hoarseness and tickling cough. It is prepared by pounding the nuts and mixing the powdered kernels with orange or lemon juice. A teaspoonful of the oil given with 10 drops each of fresh white onion juice and ginger juice, daily thrice for a fortnight, is useful in whooping cough, bronchitis and asthma.